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Dr. R Shankar


Experience & Activities



Dr. R Shankar is an M Sc (I Rank) and Ph D from IIT, Bombay. He retired from Mangalore University as a professor of Marine Geology in 2017. He is a recipient of the NATIONAL MINERAL AWARD from the Govt. of India, the SIR C.V. RAMAN AWARD from the Govt. of Karnataka, and the YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD from the Karnataka Association for the Advancement of Science.

Dr. Shankar has an innate interest in earth science education at the school level and its popularization. He has carried out activities locally, nationally and internationally. He is presently:

  • Advisor – International Geoscience Education Organisation,
  • Co-ordinator – International Earth Science Olympiad,
  • Member, Syllabus Commission, International Earth Science Olympiad,
  • Member – International Union of Geological Sciences’ Commission on Geoscience Education & Technology Transfer – IUGS COGE,

Earlier, he was:

  • Member and Newsletter Editor – International Union of Geological Sciences’ Commission on Geoscience Education & Training – IUGS COGEOED,
  • Vice-Chair, Chair, and Past Chair, – International Geoscience Education Organisation,
  • Chair, Examination Board and Advisory Board, International Earth Science Olympiad,
  • National Co-ordinator – National Earth Science Olympiad
  • Member, Other bodies

Since retirement, he is focusing his attention and efforts in earth science education (in schools) and popularization in India.