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Dr. G. N. Dayananda


Experience & Activities

Dr. Dayananda graduated from the University College of Engineering in Bangalore with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering in 1985 and a Master of Engineering degree in Machine Design in 1987. He received the Doctor of Science degree from Mangalore University later in 2010. He has played a key role at National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore in the indigenization of advanced carbon composite airframes for the country’s major aircraft and space programs. This includes the research, development and commercialization of critical process equipment such as Aerospace Grade Autoclaves which have contributed to saving of precious foreign exchange by reducing imports from western countries. He was active in terms of promoting research collaborations in the area of Shape Memory Materials with Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium and Institute of Physics, Czech Republic.

In recognition of his contributions, he has been awarded the Biren Roy Trust award in 2009, the VASVIK award in 2011, the Innovation award of the Ministry of Fertilizers & Petrochemicals in 2014 and the CSIR Most Significant Technology of the plan period award in 2015.  In 2012, he was nominated as the member of the Vision Group of Renewable Energy, Govt. of Karnataka. In 2019, he was nominated as the Vice Chairman of the Karnataka Aerospace Technology Centre. He was conferred the Eminent Engineer award by the Institution of Engineers in the same year. In 2020 he was appointed to the position of Outstanding Scientist, Technology Management Directorate, CSIR Hqrs, New Delhi. He is currently advising a start up in the new and emerging area of 3D printing and is active in science promotion in both urban and rural environments. This includes contributing to science articles in the vernacular. He has over a 100 research/conference papers to his credit including publications in prestigious international peer reviewed journals. He has delivered several invited talks all over India and abroad in the area of Polymeric Composites & Shape Memory Materials. His publications can be found at: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=dayananda+g+n&btnG=&oq=

His efforts to promote science through social media can be accessed through the links below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEk619XLWxY

