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Prof. B. C. Prabhakar

Experience & Activities


Date of birth; place of birth; Nationality :
28.09.1956; Bhimasandara, Tumkur district; Karnataka; Indian

Educational qualification:
B.Sc – I class (1977); M.Sc –I class (1979); M.Phil – I class(1981); Ph.D. (awarded, 1985) (All from Bangalore University)

Academic positions held:
Professor of Geology, from 01.06.1995 to 22.03.2001 at Gulbarga Univ. P.G. Centre and from 23.03.2001 to 9.1.2019 Dept. of Geology, Bangalore Univ., Bangalore.

Administrative positions/responsibilities held:
Institutional Coordinator for the NAAC Peer Team visit to Bangalore University for its accreditation under 3rd cycle during 4-7th oct.2016.
Director, IQAC from 08.11.2013 to 30.9.18
Nodal officer, K-SET Examination 2013, Bangalore University, Bangalore from July 2013 to December 2013.
Chairman, Department of Geology, Bangalore University, Bangalore from 14.03.2004 to 13.03.2006.

Membership / Fellowship of professional bodies:
1. Member,Geological Society of India, Bangalore, since 1986.
2. Member, Indian Academy of Geoscience, Hyderabad, since 2000.
3. Editorial board Member, Indian society of Appl. geochemists, Hyderabad (2005-08).
4. Editorial Board Member, Jour. Min. Soc. India, since 2015.
5. Editorial Member of Vijnana Bharathi, Bangalore University.
6. Member of the European Association of Geochemistry.
Successfully guided 8 Ph.d., students; 8 M.Phil. students; presently guiding 3 Ph.D. students; Also successfully guided 21 dissertation works.

Successfully completed 4 research projects funded by DST, UGC, BRNS, Univ.,

a) Geological Society of India
b) Mineralogical Society of India
c) Special volume of the International dyke conference
d) Journal of Applied geochemistry
e) Episodes
f) International Journal of Engineering and Earth science.
g) Journal of Earth System Science
a) SES-Series – Springer-Verlag.
b) Journal of Earth system science


1. Kyoto, Japan during 1992, for Participating and presenting a research paper at the 29th International Geological Congress, (supported by DST, Gulbarga University and Geohost Grant of the Congress).

2. Oslo, Norway during 2008 for participating and presenting a research paper at 33rd International Geological Congress. (Supported by Bangalore University and Geohost Grant fund of the Congress).

3. Paris, France during Aug. 13-19, 2017 for participating and presenting a research paper at Goldschmidt Conference. (Supported by Bangalore University).

4. Colombo, Sri lanka during 13-15 Dec, 2017 participated and presented a paper at the International Roundtable on ‘Impacts of extreme natural events: Science &Technology for mitigation (IRENE)’. Supported by NAM S&T centre, and NASTEC, Sri Lanka.

I was invited as visiting Fellow to the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Central University of Hyderabad to deliver Lectures to the students of M.Sc. integrated course in Earth sciences during 25th Feb to 5th Mar 2018 and 4-12th Feb.2019.
Served as the member of the university authorities (academic council / BOS/BOE/BOA/ etc. in different universities.)

Reviewer for the Research Journals of :
(1)Geological Society of India; (2) Mineralogical Society of India; (3)Special volume of the International dyke conference; (4) Journal of Applied geochemistry ; (5) Episodes ; (6) International Journal of Engineering and Earth science; (7) Journal of Earth System Science ;(8) SES-Series – Springer-Verlag.

Invited Lectures:
Delivered 45 invited Lectures/key note addresses at various Forums/Seminars and served as resource person for HRDC; Panelist in 12 different Tv Programs on issues concerning earthquakes, environment, geological issues of public concern.

Published 53 research papers; 1 booklet; and 2 books published; published the review of 2 books; published the review of a special volume of ISAG on Exploration and research on Atomic minerals; published 2 reports on two national seminars; published 22 articles of public/scientific interest in news papers and special volumes.

Significant research contributions:
Two new shear zones (Gogalgatti in Gulbarga district and Copper Mountain range in Sandur belt) with sulfide-gold deposits have been mapped and brought to light for the first time (published). Fluid characteristics of sulfide-gold bearing shear zones and synplutonic dyke magmatism in the northern part of EDC, which is significant from the point of metallogeny have been investigated and published. Through a new integrated geobotanical research a species called Vicoa Indica has been identified as a local indicator plant for nickel. Similarly pteris vittata has been identified as a local indicator plant for arsenic and in turn for gold. The results of the above said investigations have been published in peer reviewed journals.